
SWANPANASIA新天鵝堡【桌上遊戲】卡坦島5-6人擴充版Catan5-6PlayerExpansion中文版.$790.$990.折價券.滿額贈.SWANPANASIA新天鵝堡【桌上遊戲】卡坦島海洋 ...,評分7.1/10(133,289)InCATAN(formerlyTheSettlersofCatan),playerstrytobethedominantforceontheislandofCatanbybuildingsettlements,cities,androads.,Catan,previouslyknownasTheSettlersofCatanorsimplySettlers,isamultiplayerboardgamedesignedbyKlausTeuber.Itw...


SWANPANASIA 新天鵝堡【桌上遊戲】卡坦島5-6人擴充版Catan 5-6 Player Expansion中文版. $790. $990. 折價券. 滿額贈. SWANPANASIA 新天鵝堡【桌上遊戲】卡坦島海洋 ...

CATAN | Board Game

評分 7.1/10 (133,289) In CATAN (formerly The Settlers of Catan), players try to be the dominant force on the island of Catan by building settlements, cities, and roads.


Catan, previously known as The Settlers of Catan or simply Settlers, is a multiplayer board game designed by Klaus Teuber. It was first published in 1995 in ... Catan: Seafarers · Catan: Cities & Knights · The Settlers of Catan (novel)

卡坦島基本版(Catan) 規則+心得

卡坦島(The Settlers of Catan) 支援人數:2-4位玩家遊戲時間:60~70分遊戲適用卡套:5.5*8.2 cm (120張) 今天要介紹的是經典3C1B之中的「卡坦島.

卡坦島|基本版|The Settlers of Catan

供應中 你們是首批登陸卡坦島的勇敢拓荒者,迅速創立了初期的村莊和道路, 透過收集島上豐富的資源來擴展聚落,進而興建城市,並且藉由交易各取所需,解決資源分佈不均的問題。

卡坦島The Settlers of Catan 繁體中文版【FunKing桌遊】

供應中 遊戲人數:3~4人遊戲時間:60~120分鐘適合年齡:10+ 遊戲配件: 37個六角方格地圖、95張資源卡、25張城市發展卡、 4張建設費用卡、2張特殊卡、18個Markers、 2個骰子、16個 ...

The Settlers of Catan : Toys & Games

評分 4.6 (2,476) Settlers of Catan is a very dynamic board game which offers tons of fun, and is also a good way to teach basic economics. The board game is made up of 19 hexes ...

CATAN Basegame

First published in Germany in 1995 as Die Siedler von CATAN, then in English as The Settlers of CATAN in 1996, CATAN celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2020. How do I learn CATAN? · CATAN Universe · Explore CATAN · All CATAN News

Welcome to the World of CATAN | Home

Since the release of CATAN (at that time still The Settlers of CATAN) in 1995, the game has developed into a modern classic that is available worldwide in ...


卡坦島(Catan)是由德國人克勞斯·托伊伯發明的一種多人玩的圖板遊戲,最初由科仕謀思公司(英語:Kosmos (publisher))以卡坦島拓荒者(Die Siedler von Catan)的名字在德國 ...